Scary Japanese urban legends Page 7

19] Teke-Teke

       Teke-Teke (or Tek-Tek) is a scary Japanese urban legend about a girl who fell under a train and was cut in half. She took a long time to die and now her ghost roams through Japan, dragging her top half along using her claw-like hands. Every time she moves, she makes a “teke-teke” sound.

    There is a story about a young boy who was leaving his school one evening when he heard a noise behind him. Looking back, he saw a beautiful girl sitting at a window. The girl had her arms propped up on the window sill and was just staring out at him. He wondered why she was there, because it was an all-boys school.

     When she saw him looking back at her, the girl smiled and hugged herself so that she was holding her elbows. Then suddenly, she leaped out of the window and landed on the ground outside. The boy realized with horror, that she was missing the lower half of her body.

     She made her way towards him, clawing along the ground and running on her elbows making a teke-teke-teke-teke-teke sound. The boy was filled with terror and revulsion. He tried to run, but he was frozen to the spot. Within seconds, she was upon him and she took out a scythe and cut him in half, making him into one of her own.

    When kids tell this story, they warn each other about Teke-Teke. They say she carries a sharp saw or a scythe, and if she catches you, she’ll cut you in half and you’ll become just like her. She is said to chase children who play at dusk. She is also known as “bata-bata” (again, the sound of it running on its elbows) or “The Girl That Runs On Her Elbows.”
    It is also similar to the story of Kuchisake-Onna (the Slit-Mouth Woman) and the story of Kashima Reiko. The American version is called Click Clack..

20] Tenome
    Pale Man in Pan’s Labyrinth is based on Tenome, a Japanese urban legend about the ghost of a blind man who has eyes on the palms of his hands. “Te-no-me” means “eyes on hands”.
   There was a blind old man who was attacked by robbers. They beat him viciously and left him to die alone in a field. As he lay dying, the blind man cried out in anger and frustration, “If only I had seen their faces! But my eyes can’t see! If only I had eyes on the palms of my hands!”
    Because he died in such a state of rage and agony, the blind man returned as a ghost named Tenome. His desire for revenge was so great that his blind eyes were gone and he grew a new pair eyes on the palms of his hands.
    Now Tenome roams through cities and villages, searching for the robbers who murdered him. He is able to see by holding his hands out in front of him. But Tenome never saw the face of his attacker, so he simply kills whoever he can get his hands on. Although he has eyes in his hands, he is still figuratively blinded by his anger.
     One night, a Japanese boy was dared by his friends to go into a graveyard and test his courage. As the boy walked through the cemetery, he suddenly saw an old man emerge from the darkness. As the figure got closer, he noticed that the old man was blind and had eyeballs on the palms of his hands.
    The terrified boy fled as fast as he could. He ran into a temple and begged the priest to help him. The priest told him to hide in a chest and then went off to hide himself.
   When Tenome entered the temple, he wandered around with his hands held out in front of him, searching for his prey. The boy crouched inside the chest, not daring to breathe as he listened to the sound of footsteps coming closer and closer to his hiding place. The footsteps stopped right next him and he heard a strange sucking sound. Slurp! Slurp! Slurp!
    In the morning, the priest came out of hiding. He opened the chest to let the boy out, but when he peered inside, he was horrified. The young man was dead. Tenome had sucked all the blood and bones out of the boy’s body, leaving nothing behind but his limp, saggy skin.
21] Tomino
         Tomino is a Japanese urban legend about a poem that kills anyone who recites it out loud.
    In this world there are things that you should never say out loud, and the Japanese poem “Tomino’s Hell” is one of them. According to the legend, if you read this poem out loud, disaster will strike. At best, you will feel very ill or injure yourself. At worst, you could die.
         I have no idea whether or not it is safe to read the English translation out loud. If I were you, I would err on the side of caution.
    One person said: “I once read Tomino’s Hell on the air for an online radio show called Radio Urban Legends. At first everything was normal, but gradually my body, it became difficult to read. I read half of it and then broke down and threw it away. Two days later I got injured and I was left with seven stitches. I do not want to think that this was because of the poem.”

for next story click hear....



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